About Us

Successful businesses build strong brand presence.

Clean Display builds brand awareness by attracting people to your ad!

Your message is placed on our hand sanitizer dispensers. People walk to your ad, place their hands beneath the advertisement, and bam! Clean hands and your message at eye level.

This unique form of advertising builds your brand recognition where it counts—in commercial areas around your business. You can strategically target only those customers most likely to use your products and services.

It’s no secret. Hand sanitizer has a great reputation. The Centers for Disease Control states that hand sanitizer is the most effective way to stop the spread of disease.

A Global Strategic Industries report shows that the hand sanitizer industry will grow to $1.6 billion by the year 2020. Explosive industry growth is attributed to the health benefits of hand sanitizer. This growth also shows how favorable the market is to hand sanitizer units.

Clean Display markets your business in strategic, high-traffic locations, in the heart of your community.

Ready to Display?

Contact our headquarters or fill out the form below. We’ll find a custom solution to fit your local business’s needs.

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Clean Display builds brand awareness by attracting people to your ad! Your message is placed on our hand sanitizer dispensers.

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Clean Display 11.02.2021 in Blog